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Is the Google Car and the autonomous cars in general imminent arrival a menace for those who love driving?
Since you are reading Motor News World probably you’re probably one of those more scared than attracted by the autonomous cars.
Big G is investing on it and many other companies like Apple are working on it too. Point of fact, autonomous cars are a groundbreaking product that will heavily impact the automotive world.
But will the self-driving car jeopardise our beloved driving experience?
Despite what some people my believe, we think that autonomous cars, may represent more an opportunity for consumers, than a menace for the car enthusiasts.
To be honest, the Google Car with its cartoonish, inoffensive design, at the beginning scared me a lot even more than a CVT gearshift...
At the end of the day, we have to consider that the automotive world is split in two: there are customers looking for a car that does its job (and is comfy, roomy, and practical) and there are customers that do not renounce to the driving thrills.
Some people are more used to follow their mind, while others are driven by emotions.
So in the same way today the market offers this two kind of products according to customers request, tomorrow the people that are currently forced by necessity to use (and own) a car will (likely) pay per use an autonomous car...amen to that!
On the other hand, customers that currently renounce to a decent room for the rear passenger in favour of the smile on the driver’s face...will continue to purchase cars that deliver emotions. Probably manufacturers of this sporty, soul gifted cars will not be impacted negatively by the new competitors coming from the Silicon Valley. While generalist manufacturers will have to pay much attention and be prepared to the new challenge.
In a perfect world, also the drivers cars, will be available with an optional switch that will allow the driver to ask the car something like “hey, we’re arrived, go finding a place to parking yourself!” or during a night trip: “I’m tired, take the steering wheel control while i take a nap”... What about that Knight Rider TV series? How much were the authors forward looking?? Will we ask to our car “come and pick me up” speaking in our smartwatch as Michael Knight used to do in order to call back K.I.T.T.?
Who wouldn’t be enthusiast, of driving K.I.T.T.?
Since you are reading Motor News World probably you’re probably one of those more scared than attracted by the autonomous cars.
Big G is investing on it and many other companies like Apple are working on it too. Point of fact, autonomous cars are a groundbreaking product that will heavily impact the automotive world.
But will the self-driving car jeopardise our beloved driving experience?
Despite what some people my believe, we think that autonomous cars, may represent more an opportunity for consumers, than a menace for the car enthusiasts.
To be honest, the Google Car with its cartoonish, inoffensive design, at the beginning scared me a lot even more than a CVT gearshift...
At the end of the day, we have to consider that the automotive world is split in two: there are customers looking for a car that does its job (and is comfy, roomy, and practical) and there are customers that do not renounce to the driving thrills.
Some people are more used to follow their mind, while others are driven by emotions.
So in the same way today the market offers this two kind of products according to customers request, tomorrow the people that are currently forced by necessity to use (and own) a car will (likely) pay per use an autonomous car...amen to that!
On the other hand, customers that currently renounce to a decent room for the rear passenger in favour of the smile on the driver’s face...will continue to purchase cars that deliver emotions. Probably manufacturers of this sporty, soul gifted cars will not be impacted negatively by the new competitors coming from the Silicon Valley. While generalist manufacturers will have to pay much attention and be prepared to the new challenge.
In a perfect world, also the drivers cars, will be available with an optional switch that will allow the driver to ask the car something like “hey, we’re arrived, go finding a place to parking yourself!” or during a night trip: “I’m tired, take the steering wheel control while i take a nap”... What about that Knight Rider TV series? How much were the authors forward looking?? Will we ask to our car “come and pick me up” speaking in our smartwatch as Michael Knight used to do in order to call back K.I.T.T.?
Who wouldn’t be enthusiast, of driving K.I.T.T.?